What is Kambo?

What is Kambo?

Green frog on a branch

Kambo has been used for thousands of years by many Amazonian tribes as a way to cleanse, strengthen and energize the minds and bodies of hunters, as a natural remedy for various types of infections and also, as a way to clear away dark or negative energies. 

Kambo is the secretion of the giant green monkey tree frog, known by its scientific name “Phyllomedusa bicolor”, which lives in the rainforests of the Upper Amazon in Peru and Brazil.

It contains a unique and highly complex combination of bioactive peptides, which are substances that play a significant role in human health by affecting multiple bodily systems. Many of them are the subject of scientific study, have been identified and even synthesized.

Kambo sessions are not for the faint of heart, quite literally, and can provide a powerful way to detox and restore balance in the body, the mind and the spirit. Kambo is legal all around the world, it is not a hallucinogenic substance and it can safely be administered by a knowledgeable practitioner.