Kambo Nomad

About Kambo Nomad

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About Marge (Marguerite Glazer) / Kambo Nomad

You could say that I have always been a nomad at heart. Born in Poland, I moved to Algeria at the age of 1 where I lived for 6 years and subsequently immigrated to Canada with my family. I grew up in Montréal, Quebec, a place part of me still calls home. As I was entering adulthood, I started to be plagued with all sorts of physical and mental health issues such as increasingly debilitating chronic pain and migraines, extreme fatigue, chronic infections, depression and anxiety. Despite this, and with my life partner by my side, I managed to travel to many far and out places, discovering what the world has to offer and what a gift it is to have a nomadic lifestyle. The different people and cultures that I came in contact have been a strong influence in my life and have shaped the person I am today.

Kambo is also starting to be nomadic. Used as a traditional remedy for thousands of years by various tribes in the Amazon, the spirit of Kambo has, in recent decades and especially in the last few years, been calling out to the rest of the world in order to bring healing and balance to those who need it and who hear its call.

As Kambo now travels the world, it is important that it is used with a high level of integrity, responsibility and in service to both the spirit of the remedy and the people who are receiving it. The strong calling I feel towards the natural healing path and the concrete desire and dedication to serve Kambo in a safe, compassionate and professional environment are all reasons why Kambo Nomad was born.

It has taken me close to 16 years, dozens of doctors and health practitioners, a late-stage Lyme disease diagnosis (with all associated problems), years spent in bed unable to function, numerous ceremonies spent with Ayahuasca and digging deep in plant medicine dietas, as well as many healing Kambo sessions to truly appreciate how powerful our own body’s and mind’s healing abilities really are. My many Kambo sessions have allowed me to take up the exercise routine I had wished for years, it has boosted my immune system, helped with various infections I was plagued with and has tremendously helped improved my vitality. When we are faced with various illnesses, we surely need some help along the way to recover our health, but there is always hope and so-called miracles really do happen. Kambo draws on our body’s own ability to heal and requires us to be fully present and to actively participate in the process, and this has been very empowering for me. Nature, in so many ways, is here to help humans heal and return to their true essence, and Kambo is a part of this natural support system we can draw on. All of my healing experiences have given me the deep knowledge in my heart that I am and always will be the only person who can bring myself true and deep healing; my work is simply to remain open to it, in body, mind and spirit.

Sadly, allopathic medicine’s main focus nowadays is on symptom management and rarely is it used to address the root causes of diseases and disorders, and so many of us have been left to suffer as a result. There is no doubt that the types of mental and physical afflictions and issues we struggle within our modern world can be helped greatly using the natural guidance and support of the faithful frog. Kambo offers an alternative to simply putting up with health issues that we often, deep down, know we don’t have to live with.

Jan Marge Kambo NomadI have worked extensively within the Lyme disease community in Quebec and Canada, bringing the cause to highest levels of government, and have been in touch with hundreds of people suffering from debilitating chronic illness. Drawing on these experiences and on my own struggles with long-term illness, I developed a profound understanding of the various causes of illness and the intricate interactions between mind and body. I also developed a deep compassion for all those who suffer from various ailments and I wish for nothing more than the empowerment of others as healers in their own lives. I am grateful to be able to use the skills I have acquired along the way to help people move forth in their healing journeys and to be an empathetic guide as they get a little help from our friend the frog. Much love, brothers and sisters! <3

About Jan / Kambo Nomad Assistant

Jan has been my life partner for close to 20 years and has been an incredible source of strength, support and healing in my life. Together, we faced many joyous times as we explored life together and also faced very difficult times riddled with debilitating illness, profound confusion and deep despair. Our strength has always resided in walking this path together and in holding love at the forefront of everything we do. Jan is happy to assist Kambo circles with me, beautifully holding space and bringing his characteristic strong, kind and calm presence.

Please note that IAKP Kambo Practitioners and Kambo Nomad are not medical practitioners and do not give medical advice or make diagnoses. Please consult your primary health care professional with any concern relating to your physical and mental health.